Fire-n-Rain, oil on canvas, 36"x36"
Sixth Sense, oil on canvas, 24"x24" • The fox harnesses the earth's magnetic field to hunt. Other animals, like birds, sharks, and turtles have this "magnetic sense", but the fox is the first one discovered that uses it to catch prey. Wild Buffalo, too, have a Sixth Sense, they know where to Roam...Let them!
Buffalo Prayer, oil on canvas, 30"x20" • "We're it not for the gifts of food, clothing and shelter provided by the Buffalo, our People would have died of starvation. We have followed the Buffalo, protected the Buffalo, lived among the Buffalo, and depended on the Buffalo for centuries. All of us gathered in the circle, and those who are with us in thought and prayer, are part of our prophecies, which tell of the return of the Buffalo Nation." ~Rosalie Little Thunder, Lakota Elder & Co-founder of Buffalo Field Campaign
Snowy Owl
Sandhills Crane~Protected Migration, oil on canvas, 36"x18"
Madonna, oil on canvas, diptych, 20"x20"
Midnight on the Madison, oil on canvas, 30"x24"
Paradise Valley, oil on canvas, 20"x20" SOLD • "My vision is to see wild buffalo utilize an extended habitat and our public lands at the north edge of Yellowstone. And that the DOL department of livestock no longer has a say in the management of our National Mammal." ~ Thia Martin, Buffalo Field Campaign Advisory Board Member
In Harmony, oil on canvas, 20"x10" • When a herd of buffalo grazes down a swath of fresh grass, it actually grows faster in response. This helps the plant to recover, but it also invites the buffalo back for dinner later that season. It's even been discovered that there is an enzyme in the saliva of grazing buffalo that actually stimulates grass growth. To say nothing of the fertilizer produced by a passing herd. "Grass gives to Buffalo, and Buffalo give to Grass." ~ Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass
Elk, oil on canvas, 20"x10" • Elk carry brucellosis, a disease brought to this continent by European cattle, and are allowed to roam. Why not the Buffalo? SOLD "For thousands of years these buffalo have had a very intimate relationship with tribal people. We are the same. No matter how hard you try, you can't separate Indian people from the buffalo. That is not even possible." ~Fred Dubray, Lakota, Cheyenne River Reservation
Snowy Owl Over Madison River, oil on canvas, 30"x20" • The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, where the buffalo roam, is one of the World's last intact ecosystems. The Snowy Owl is one of my favorite members of this ecosystem.
Buffalo Girl, oil on canvas
Buffalo Haze, oil on canvas, 30"x24"
White Buffalo, oil on canvas, 40"x40" • Balance and Harmony prevail. In Native American traditions, there are prophecies about the coming of the White Buffalo. There's a legend that White Buffalo Calf Woman, a mystical being, came to the people a very long time ago, when they were out of balance. She gifted the people with a sacred bundle containing the White Buffalo Calf Pipe to help restore balance. White Buffalo Meditation: Imagine that you can feel the power in your muscles and the rich earth beneath your hooves. Feel the weight of your horns and warmth of your hide. This calls the deeper energies of White Buffalo into your life." ~ Native Spirit Cards, Denise Linn
Portrait of James, oil on canvas
Boy in Sinking Boat, oil on canvas